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How Can I Save Both Time and Money ?
Please type a History or Background for your attorney, about 5 pages, double-spaced, and bring them with you.
Emotional stress impairs memory so, list your most important questions
on paper and take notes during your conference.
Bring your completed, typed FORMS
--- available on this website.
If you're unsure, write "estimate" or "approx."
Focus on events that may be relevant to current issues/disputes and detail who, what, when, where - all from your own personal knowledge.
Be very accurate. In the future, your attorney may ask you to testify about these facts.
Be clear in your use of pronouns. Who is s/he ? (full name & relationship)
If some details are based on what someone told you, name that person and your relationship with him/her. When did he/she tell you and under what circumstances?
All people make mistakes. You can't swear to what another said they saw.
Avoid guessing what someone was thinking or why he/she did something.
Focus on facts but feel free to write your reasons why
you did or said a thing.
Legal Fee?
The fee for your first 1. hour confidential conference is $ 150.ºº paid that day by cash or check.
All conferences begin between 11 am and 4 pm, with you alone,
if you prefer a phone conference, payment may be made by check via U.S. Mail ( 1 week before the call)
-or- by credit card ( 1 day before the call).
If you want to pay by credit card, I will email a secure link so you can type in a card #.
During our conference, you will receive valuable information & document(s).
Your legal rights, options, and future legal fees will be discussed.
What about the ads: "You don't pay unless we win"?
Contingency fees are common in personal injury and accident cases. Not in DR.
In domestic relations, Ohio law prohibits a fee contingent on support or property obtained.
Where Should I Park ?
Park in the Art Parking Garage, with entrances on Ludlow and on West 2nd
Walk across West 2nd
Street, directly into Liberty Tower, revolving doors.
Please do not
use a parking
meter. You will run out of time, and get an expensive ticket.
If you prefer an open air lot, you may park on the S.E. corner of 1st & Ludlow.